Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday Morning

The question posed by my Google Desktop notebook, for posterity: DID YOU DEFICIT??

The weight deficit formula is so simple that it's brutal. 3500 calories per pound / 7 days per week = a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose one freaking, measly pound per week.

500 calories is the size of a small meal, so trying to lose MORE than a pound a week when you're reasonably trim already (I'm an impatient girl, and on a time line!) seems really daunting.

I'm nonetheless comforted by the perhaps apocryphal rumor that metaconditioning and power lifting elevates your resting metabolic rate for the subsequent 12, 24 or 48 hours, depending on which sources you appeal to for your fitness hyperboles. Yesterday's program, following range-of-motion exercises, and the acquisition of the so frikkin' fit plaidastic Superdry Lumbar Twill Shirt  looked like this:

Goblet squats : 3x8 @ 25
Kettle ball swings 3x15 @ 25

High bar squats: 2x5 @ 70
Overhead press (with a barbell!): 3x5 @ 60
Pendlay rows: 3x5 @ 75

Planks: 3 @ 1 minute front, right, left

It's a sorry day when your post work-out treat is a cylindrical piece of foam that doesn't even belong to you, but I actually looked forward to a good, slow, long roll.

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